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1 comment:

  1. Lessons From The Chinese Bamboo Tree
    Sometimes in our spiritual life we can wonder where is God? Does He hear my prayers? Is God working on my behalf? Sometimes God requires us to have blind faith, continually putting one foot in front of the other, even though we don't really see the plan. We are so use to instantaneous results that it can be difficult to wait on the Lord. However, just like the bamboo tree if we continue to have faith, even when we don't feel His presence as closely as we would like, in the end we will see He was there all along working, it was just on his time table. Often times, He uses these times to grow our faith and strength. You cannot see the growth taking place in the bamboo tree all those years because it is underground, just like sometimes we don't realize God is preparing our hearts when we experience hard times. Then eventually we wake up, and realize we have come out on the other side and are stronger for the trial.
    As they say, there is really no such thing as an overnight success. An overnight success takes years of building, hard work, consistent action and never giving up.
    You must continue moving forward with action, faith and patience until the time comes for you to reap the rewards of all your hard work. Just like with the Chinese bamboo tree, it could take five years of what appears as no growth, for a sudden period of exponential growth that propels you forwards in ways beyond what you ever imagined.
    Trust in the process and don’t ever give up.
